Entrée Diksionera Malagasy-Englisy
Partie du discours nom propre (titre de livre)
Auteur Hallanger Fredrick Stang
Editions 1973. Trano Printy Fiangonana Loterana Malagasy. Largeur: 13cm. Hauteur: 21cm. Pages: 103.
Mots élémentaires diksionera ; malagasy ; anglisy
Description 7000 words
Tableaux et planches Tous les titres
Teny malagasy 7.000 mahery, voafantina amin'izay mateti-piseho indrindra, no raketin'ity Diksionera ity. Ao anatin'izany ny teny rehetra enti-manazava ny teny englisy amin'ny Diksionera Englisy-Malagasy. Fanampin'ireo teny ireo ny fomba fitenenana anjatony vitsy, izay asiana fanazavana. This Dictionary contains over 7,000 of the most-used malagasy words, including all the words used in the definitions in the English-Malagasy Dictionary. In addition to these, several hundred idiomatic expressions are listed and explained.
Niankina tamin' ny olona vitsy ny fifidianana izay «teny mateti-piseho indrindra». Tsy nanahirana akory ny fifantenana ny teny Englisy 10.000 amin'ny Diksionera Englisy-Malagasy, satria azo nankinina tamin' ny asan-dry Thorndike sy Lorge izany. Kanefa mbola tsy nisy nahavita fanisana teny malagasy toy izany, ahalalana izay mateti-piseho indrindra. The Editors freely admit that the choice of the «most-used Malagasy words» has been the work of a few people. In choosing the 10,000 words of the English-Malagasy Dictionary they had the word counts of Tharndike and Lorge to guide them. Unfortunately, no comparable reference is available for the Malagasy language.
Mahavelom-pitarainana ny vahiny mianatra teny malagasy ny hasarotry ny diksionera vitan' i Richardson sy Malzac. Tsaroana fa voalahatra araka ny abidy ao amin' ireo diksionera ireo, ny fototeny malagasy, ary aseho manaraka ny fototeny ny teny mirafitra aminy. Koa ilana fahaizana teny malagasy rahateo ny fitadiavana ny hevitry ny teny malagasy. Foreigners learning Malagasy have long complained about the difficulty of the dictionaries of Richardson and Malzac. In these the roots are listed alphabetically, and derivative forms are found under the roots ; so that considerable knowledge of the language is needed in order to use the dictionary and learn the vocabulary of the language.
Ambony vidy ireo diksionera roa lehibe ireo, ka tsy tratry ny volan' ny ankamaroan' ny mpianatra. Ary koa, lazain' ny sasany fa tsy takatry ny mpianatra ao amin' ny cours moyen sy ny kilasy fahenina sy fahadimy ny fomba fitadiavana teny amin' ny diksionera lehibe voalahatra araka ny fototeny. The high cost of these larger dictionaries is an obstacle to their use by most Malagasy schoolchildren. It has also been remarked by some, that children in the upper elementary grades and the first years of secondary school have difficulty with dictionaries organized around the roots.
Antenain' ny mpikarakara, fa hahasoa ny mpianatra malagasy sy ny vahiny ny fomba fandaharana ny teny raketin' ity Diksionera ity. Voalahatra araka ny abidy ny teny rehetra ao amin'ny boky, afa-tsy ny verba relativa, ary voatondro ny fototeny ihaviany. Koa hita mora foana ny teny rehetra ao amin' ny boky. The Editors feel that the arrangement of this dictionary will be helpful both to Malagasy youth and to foreigners learning the language. All words, except for relative verbs, are listed alphabetically, the roots being given after all derivative forms, Thus any word in dictionary can be found by direct reference to the alphabetical order.
Voalaza manaraka ny fototeny ny verba pasiva, sady asiana dikany, ary aseho manaraka ny verba misy tovona mi-, man-, ets. koa. Aseho manaraka ny fototeny sady asiana dikany ny verba relativa sasany izay azo ekena ho solon' ny pasiva. Ohatra 2angatra*, iangarana,v. rel. to be discriminated against. Passive verbs are listed and defined after the roots. They are also listed, without definitions, after the active verbs in mi-, man-, etc. Some relative verbs, which for practical purposes take the place of passives, are listed and defined after the roots. Thus: 2angatra*, iangarana, v.rel.to be discriminated against.
Voalaza manaraka ny fototeny ny teny mirafitra aminy ka raketin' ity boky ity. Ohatra: dera, n. praise ; deraina, v. pass. to be praised ; see madera, midera fiderana. Derivative forms listed in the Dictionary are given after the roots. Thus: dera, n. praise ; deraina, v. pass. to be praised ; see madera, midera, fiderana.
Satria voatondro mandrakariva ny fototeny, dia tokony ho voatarika hamantatra sy hahalala ny fomba firafetan' ny teny malagasy sy ny fomba fivoaran' ny heviny ny mpianatra. These listings, together with constant reference back to the roots, should lead the student into some understanding of the structure of the Malagasy verb, and of the manner in which words and meanings are derived from roots.
Rehefa izany dia ho tsaroan' ny mpianatra manan-tsaina, fa ilaina tokoa ny diksionera lehibe, voalahatra araka ny fototeny, vitan' i Richardson sy Malzac Antenain' ny mpikarakara fa ho hitan' ny mpianatra amin' izay ny kendren' ity boky tsotra ity, dia ny manampy ny mpianatra mbola tsy mandroso loatra. Anterin' ny mpikarakara, fa ilaina tokoa ny «mandroso amin' ny lalina», ka mandinika ireo diksionera lehibe voalaza etsy ambony, mba hahalalana tsara ny fomba firafetan' ny teny malagasy. Raha manampy sy mampandroso ny mpianatra toy izany ity boky ity, dia ho faly ny fon' ny mpikarakara. At this point the serious student will find himself turning to the large technically arranged dictionaries of Richardson and Malzac. The Editors hope he will then understand the object and the limitations of this elementary dictionary. They would like to emphasize, that it is necessary to go on to the larger dictionaries in order fully to understand the structure of Malagasy words. If this modest work can smooth the way of the beginning student and lead him into a deeper study of the language, the Editors will have been well rewarded for their efforts.
Ny Trano Printy Loterana sy ny Foibe Ara-Tsaina Amerikana no niara-niasa nikarakara sy nahavita printy ity Diksionera ity. The publication of this Malagasy-English Dictionary is due to the joint efforts of the Lutheran Press (Trano Printy Loterana) and the American Cultural Center.
F.S.H. F.S.H.

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