Entrée antitra
Partie du discours adjectif
Explications en malgache Be taona, ela niainana: Efa antitra dia antitra i dadabe fa ila tsy afaka mandeha intsony
Zavamaniry fihinana toy ny katsaka, tsaramaso, mangahazo... efa azo hanina, tonga amin' ny fotoana efa ahazoana mihinana azy: Efa antitra ireto mangahazo ireto fa hadio
(loko) Tsy matsora, fa matevintevina: Soloy manga antitra itỳ lambam-baravarankely
Lany andro, tsy fampiasa intsony: Efa lamaody antitra izany dihinareo izany, hoy i Koto tamin-dRainy
Antitra, tranainy, goga, konka, golagoay. [1.1]
Explications en anglais Mature, ripe, aged, old, permanent, durable, gone through with, completed, perfected; deep as applied to colours; old in the sense of used up, or worn out, as a pen, a coat, etc. [1.2]
 Mature; aged; dark (of colors); [1.7]
Explications en français âgé, vieux; mûr; foncé [1.8]
Mots composés 

Mis à jour le 2023/07/14