
Chapitres et versets citant Jeosy

  Genesis Fiandohana na Genesisy Fiandohana na Jenezy La Genèse
Gen / Jen 36.5 And Aholibamah bare Jeush, and Jaalam, and Korah: these are the sons of Esau, which were born unto him in the land of Canaan. ary Oholibama niteraka an' i Jeosy sy Jalama ary Kora. Ireo no zanak' i Esao, izay naterany tany amin' ny tany Kanana. ary ny naterak' i Oolibamà dia Jehosy sy Ihelona ary Kore. Ireo no zanakalahin' i Esao naterany tany amin' ny tany Kanaana. Oholibama enfanta Yéush, Yalam et Qorah. Tels sont les fils d'Ésaü qui lui naquirent au pays de Canaan.
Gen / Jen 36.14 And these were the sons of Aholibamah, the daughter of Anah the daughter of Zibeon, Esau' s wife: and she bare to Esau Jeush, and Jaalam, and Korah. Ary izao no zanakalahin' i Oholibama, zanakavavin' i Ana, zanakavavin' i Zibona, vadin' i Esao: niteraka an' i Jeosy sy Jalama ary Kora tamin' i Esao izy. Ary izao no zanakalahin' i Oolibamà, zanakavavin' i Anà, zanakavavin' i Sebeona, vadin' i Esao; niteraka an' i Jehosy sy Ihelona ary Kore tamin' i Esao izy. Voici les fils d' Oholibama, fille d' Ana, fils de Çibéôn, la femme d'Ésaü : elle lui enfanta Yéush, Yalam et Qorah.
Gen / Jen 36.18 And these are the sons of Aholibamah Esau' s wife; duke Jeush, duke Jaalam, duke Korah: these were the dukes that came of Aholibamah the daughter of Anah, Esau' s wife. Ary izao no zanakalahin' i Oholibama, vadin' i Esao: Jeosy loham-pireneny sy Jalama loham-pireneny sy Kora loham-pireneny. Ireo no loham-pirenena avy tamin' i Oholibama, zanakavavin' i Ana, vadin' i Esao. Zanakalahin' i Oolibamà, vadin' i Esao: Jehosy, loham-pirenena, Ielona, loham-pirenena; ary Kore, loham-pirenena. Ireo no loham-pirenena avy amin' i Oolibamà, zanakavavin' i Anà, sy vadin' i Esao. Et voici les fils d' Oholibama, la femme d'Ésaü : le chef Yéush, le chef Yalam, le chef Qorah. Tels sont les chefs d' Oholibama, fille d' Ana, femme d'Ésaü.

  1st Book of Chronicles 1 Tantara Tantara I 1er Livre des Chroniques
1Tt / 1Tan 1.35 The sons of Esau; Eliphaz, Reuel, and Jeush, and Jaalam, and Korah. Ny zanakalahin' i Esao dia Elifaza sy Regoela sy Jeosy sy Jalama ary Kora. Zanak' i Esao: Elifaza, Rahoela, Jehosa, Ihelona ary Kore. Fils d'Ésaü : Éliphaz, Réuel, Yéush, Yalam et Qorah.
1Tt / 1Tan 7.10 The sons also of Jediael; Bilhan: and the sons of Bilhan; Jeush, and Benjamin, and Ehud, and Chenaanah, and Zethan, and Tharshish, and Ahishahar. Ny zanakalahin' i Jediaela dia Bilana; ary ny zanakalahin' i Bilana dia Jeosy sy Benjamina sy Ehoda sy Kenana sy Zetana sy Tarsisy ary Ahisahara Zanakalahin' i Jadihela: Balàna. Zanakalahin' i Balàna: Jehosy, Benjamina, Aoda, Kanàna, Zetàna, Tarsisa, ary Abisahera: Fils de Yediael : Bilhân. Fils de Bilhân : Yéush, Benjamin, Éhud, Kenaana, Zetân, Tarshish, Ahishahar.
1Tt / 1Tan 8.39 And the sons of Eshek his brother were, Ulam his firstborn, Jehush the second, and Eliphelet the third. Ary ny zanakalahin' i Eseka rahalahiny dia Olama, lahimatoa, sy Jeosy, lahiaivo, ary Elifeleta, faralahy. Zanakalahin' i Eseka rahalahiny: Olama lahimatoany, Jehosa faharoa, ary Elifaleta fahatelo. Fils d'Ésheq son frère : Ulam son premier-né, Yéush le second, Éliphélet le troisième.
1Tt / 1Tan 23.10 And the sons of Shimei were, Jahath, Zina, and Jeush, and Beriah. These four were the sons of Shimei. Ary ny zanakalahin' i Simey dia Jahata sy Zina sy Jeosy ary Beria; izy efa-dahy ireo no zanakalahin' i Simey. Zanakalahin' i Semeia: Leheta, Zizà, Jaosa ary Barià, izy efatra ireo no zanakalahin' i Semeia. Fils de Shiméï : Yahat, Zina, Yéush, Béria; ce furent là les fils de Shiméï, quatre en tout.
1Tt / 1Tan 23.11 And Jahath was the chief, and Zizah the second: but Jeush and Beriah had not many sons; therefore they were in one reckoning, according to their father' s house. Ary Jahata no lohany, ary Ziza no faharoany; fa Jeosy sy Beria tsy nanana zanakalahy maro, ka dia nisaina ho fianakaviana iray sy antokony iray izy. Leheta no lohany, Zizà no faharoa, Jaosa sy Barià vitsy zanaka lahy, ka nisaina ho antokony iray araka ny fianakaviany. Yahat était l' aîné, Ziza le second, puis Yéush et Béria qui n' eurent pas beaucoup d' enfants et furent enregistrés en une seule famille.

  2nd Book of Chronicles 2 Tantara Tantara II 2ème Livre des Chroniques
2Tt / 2Tan 11.19 Which bare him children; Jeush, and Shamariah, and Zaham. izay nahazoany zaza, dia Jeosy sy Semaria ary Zahama. ka nitera-dahy taminy izy, dia Jehosa, Somorià, ary Zama. Elle lui donna des fils : Yéush, Shemarya et Zaham.